For several years I am collaborating with a travel agency, that already really saved guests and me in various difficult situations. A good travel agency is worth gold, especially when it comes to travels like ours, with sometimes quite unforeseen developments. A travel agency which is caring for you like a family member is in such a case of very high value. If we still want to have such travel agencies in the future, the clients, the travelers, can now be of big support.
Many travelers that have booked voyages which are now cancelled are facing big challenges themselves and need a refund of their travel price. That is understandable. And the german travel law is here very much in favour of the client.
Whoever is lucky enough to not urgently need a refund, can now support his travel agency and make a rebooking instead of canceling the voyage, accept a voucher or find another solution together with his agency. A solution, which does not force the agency to pay back an enormous amount of down payments. There are many voyages where agencies or organizations pay a lot of money long before the voyage. Now, agencies very often do not get their money back – for example for flight tickets – but nevertheless have to refund their clients.
That causes a lot of work for travel agencies right now, but only to generate an enormous loss. Many owners and employees of travel agencies are working long hours right now, only to cancel voyages and refund payments. The agencies cannot even shut down now to save costs – they have to work, but this work does not generate money now – it only creates more costs.
If all travelers insist on refunds, many agencies, also good ones, also agencies that were always healthy won’t survive this year. They will be destroyed by this immense burden. Destroyed will be also a big number of entrepreneurs and work places.
If you like to use a certain travel agency, if this agency already organized wonderful holidays for you and maybe helped you once or twice underway – then it is now the perfect time to give something back. by not asking for a refund. And even better, by directly booking a holiday for 2021. You cannot imagine how much joy you create right now with a simple booking. And last but not least – by doing that, also you can start to look forward to another holiday, start planning, reading, dreaming – and isn’t joyful anticipation something we all really need right now?
Stay healthy!